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Believing in God’s Word and Spirit
We believe church should be a place where people of all backgrounds can gather and worship God freely, grow in the knowledge of God’s Word, be encouraged in their faith, develop positive relationships with fellow believers, and be empowered to share God’s love with others.
We believe that life is bigger than ourselves and that our faith in Christ compels us to serve others. Jesus’ command in Matthew 25 is built into the DNA of our church – we feed the hungry, clothe the poor and visit those in prison.
Bboowazi John Kalule

Bboowazi John Kalule

Senior Pastor

And the Church is under attack, both from without and within. There are those who want the church to be more “hip” and “trendy.” Others want the church to be more relevant. Some people want to silence the church, and others want the church to withdraw from society altogether. A lot of people say they believe in God, but they don’t believe in “organized religion.” In other words, they don’t care about going to church. There are several books and resources that are promoting an “anti-church” mentality.

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United in Spirit

“Proclaiming the Good News

of God’s Sovereign Grace”

The message of The Faithland is that Christ saves sinners. In light of

that, we steward a message that radically changes lives. We will

therefore preach, teach and train people to live out its implications in

Pr. Bboowazi John Kalule

Senior Pastor